Nehemiah : A Better City : Chapter 5:1-13


If today’s blog is different, its because it is. These are my notes from today’s gathering.

Nehemiah : A Better City

A sermon series from

There are poor and there are powerless, to contrast, there are rich and powerful. There are those who press and oppress, and then there is justice. In general there is a sense of justice, of righting wrongs, and helping those who can’t help themselves, in all of us. Especially if we think we are the ones who aren’t receiving what we think we deserve. We all have our ways to seek justice, and we make much of our causes, and our leaders, and our attempts to obtain it, but none of us really get there.

Three points on justice

  1. Justice is not always black and white. Its not clear who is in the wrong, and sometimes we find ourselves swayed, and end up doing evil thinking we are doing good.
  2. Batman is not real. There is not a superhero, some human who is incorruptible fighting for justice. No Robin Hood robbing the rich to feed the poor.
  3. However, if there is a God, he certainly cares about justice.
God opens our ears to LISTEN for injustice, to WRESTLE with its effects, and to ENGAGE it as an opportunity for joining Gods renewal. (We will see Nehemiah do just this in today’s focal text.)

LISTEN (hear them out)

“There arose a great outcry”…even the wives are upset, and the cry isn’t against an outside force, but against their own kinsmen. They list their complaints and Nehemiah LISTENS to every one. They can barely make it. The taxes are harsh and their resources, even their crops are being borrowed against. Their children are forced into slavery to help feed the family and pay off the debt. What should we be listening for? The cry that things are not as they should be. That is the sound of injustice, things that are not as they should be.
WRESTLE (evaluate)
“I was very angry when I heard…I took counsel with myself”. You are allowed, even encouraged to be angry at injustice, if you are not, something may be off in your heart. However, that anger has to be tempered by the holy spirit through prayer and truth. If your only counselor is yourself that’s not good, but at some point we need to be able to sift through our emotions and thoughts, up against the thoughts and love of God, that we may apply that same love to others. Take your anger and ask What would God have me do with this anger in this situation?
ENGAGE (How am I positioned to affect change in this situation?)
Nehemiah has considerably more influence and means than you, but its not about the amount of influence you have, but how you effectively use what influence you do have. Nehemiah confronts the oppressive leadership and leaves them speechless. He then calls them to restore what has been broken. He gathers a community that will reflect the true character of their God. Sometime the community may be your church, sometime that community will be you and your spouse, sometimes you may be alone. No matter the number, we are to make our community reflect the kingdom of God. There are no slaves in Gods kingdom. No debts because he has paid him. No burden of harsh taxes cause God does not need our wealth to sustain his rule.

Nehemiah, is very practical, but serves an even greater purpose than just its application. Nehemiah serves as a shadow to point us to Jesus. Jesus, who heard us and LISTENED to our cry. He WRESTLED and fought against our oppressors, resitting even our ultimate enemy the serpent, succeeding where we have failed. Through his perfect life everything that was wrong has been made right, and sealed as a blood oath on the cross, our debts have been paid, and the undue burden of our sin removed never to be held against us again. Now Jesus ENGAGES all who are left wandering. Uniquely positioned on a throne over all the universe, he guides his redeemed people, the church, to seek their lost brothers and sister, and to gather them back to the city of God.

Sermon Lab Matthew 8:18-22


So here’s the deal. I’ve been on this personal journey for a bit. Essentially, as the small church plant my wife and I attend grows, so does the need and opportunity for leaders. At The Village we take leadership seriously. For a long time I’ve felt a leaning in this direction, specifically in the area of preaching and teaching. In just under two months, (actually now that I think about it, I probably wont post these until after the event) we will be hosting a preaching lab. Just under twenty men will gather, five will be selected to present 12 min mini sermons, that will then be critiqued by a panel of four pastors, Two within the Village, two outside the Village. Its incredibly exciting, and I am one of the five “lab preachers.” Assigned to me is Matthew 8:18-22

Because I love you, my notes are going to be posted here. If they seem brief or incomplete its due to the 12 min time limit. What’s difficult is boiling down the sermon to only its necessary points. No extra examples, very little practical application, just the idea, and the challenge, and the gospel, all while trying to still be engaging.

Mat 8:18 Now when Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side.
Mat 8:19 And a scribe came up and said to him, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.”
Mat 8:20 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
Mat 8:21 Another of the disciples said to him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.”
Mat 8:22 And Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”


Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, he’s not there just yet, and at this point he hasn’t really ruffled too many feathers. His fame and popularity are growing as he passes through these smaller towns serving, teaching, and performing various miracles. During his trip we see this meeting with two would-be followers, who apparently miss something that is critical to what it means to follow Jesus, and we are going to see Jesus push back on them a bit, and as Jesus pushes back on them, he also pushes back on us.

What I want to do first today, is explain what the text plainly says. That is, what, on a surface level is it saying? Then I want explore with you what the text means as it applies to us today. To look for the meaning underneath the surface if you will, to see what the text might reveal about our hearts today.


The first dude is pretty excited about the notion of following Jesus, he says “I will follow you wherever you will go.” Jesus pushes back a little and tells the man that he has “no idea what hes asking for.”(paraphrase, I’m going to paraphrase a lot for the sake of time) “The foxes and the birds do their thing and get to go home, I do my thing and I don’t get that sort of luxury”. Plainly Jesus is saying that following Jesus is not all rainbows and sunshine, its not a “have your cake and eat it to” type of scenario, it is at times, in fact difficult.

Dude number two, at the notion of being a follower of Jesus, essentially tells Jesus that now is not a good time for him. And guess what, I know its a funeral he’s talking about, but without getting into all the speculation and nuance as to why this isn’t a big deal. Can we just skip ahead and quickly agree that no matter what you got going on, if Jesus calls you to follow him, that whatever Jesus ask is probably more important? Jesus is expressing to the second man, that he apparently, by passing up the offer, even if only temporarily, that he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.

That is you plain meaning. This is pretty much what the text is saying on a surface level. Following Jesus is difficult, but at the same time worth it. However, we still need to get to the heart of the text and find out what Jesus is trying to reveal to us today.


These two men make different assumptions about following Jesus. In Jesus’s view, they apparently miss what following Him is all about. Something crucial is missing in their understanding, and some faulty desires are lurking behind their hearts. That being said, the bible says a lot about following Jesus, and you should take some time on your own, and read those verses, but for our purposes today, we only need to look no further that just a few more chapters in Matthew.

Twice in the gospel of Matthew, in ch 10:38, and ch 16:24, Jesus will lay two foundational elements for what it means to be a follower. He says this, paraphrased “if you’re going to follow me you need to first deny yourself, and then, take up your cross” to paraphrase the paraphrase, “you need to not be about your business, but be about my business, your desires should bow to my desires.” Jesus makes this point twice on two separate occasions, which means we should listen closely, and in his encounter with these two men we see it play itself out in two different ways.


Jesus informs us that a central ethic or posture of being a follower of Christ, to being a part of his kingdom, is self-denial. This immediately confronts the mainline thinking of our culture which is self-fulfillment. Everything about us, the air we breath is all about making yourself happy; finding your own path to self-fulfillment. It normally sounds like this. “Do whatever makes you happy!” Which sounds great, but some very clever people quickly found out that some people make themselves happy by hurting other people. So we amended the phrase, now it reads “Do whatever makes you happy, as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else.”

Unfortunately it still doesn’t work. You can’t remove all restraint, and then try to put the restraints back on when it all starts to go off the rails. It is like letting a wild bull loose in a crowd of people, then trying to subdue the same bull without anyone getting hurt. It simply can’t be both ways.


So, if following Christ includes both self denial and trading your desires for Jesus’ desires/cross, then the opposite is also true. When we are not following Jesus we are fulfilling ourselves and pursuing our own desires. What is revealed about these two men is that their desire is not to follow Jesus, but to look out for their favorite master, themselves. Their sin is the same, its classic self-idolatry, they value themselves and their desires first and foremost, and it plays itself out in two different ways. Lets look at these two guys with this new perspective brought into the conversation.

Guy one sees Jesus as a means to his self-fulfillment, Jesus is a step in the right direction to meet his goals and desires. Guy two, sees Jesus as an obstacle to his self-fulfillment, getting in the way of his desires, and so instead of delaying his own gratification, he delays following Christ instead.

Guy one thinks that following Jesus will gain him certain advantages. As a scribe, if he hooks up with a teacher as exciting as Jesus then this will be fuel for his career. For him Jesus is a means to getting what he wants, this is why Jesus tells him that this life is not all its cracked up to be. He’s not simply warning, or trying to scare the man away, he’s testing him a bit, in fact he testing both men a bit. What if it doesn’t work out the way you think? What if you don’t get everything you want? What if you do get everything you want but it still doesn’t satisfy? Am I enough for you? Am I you’re treasure? If so, then the potential difficulties won’t be an issue for you, nothing will be more important to you than being with me.

This particular way that self-idolatry sells itself to us is rampant even in our churches. In order to make our churches seem relevant we sell Jesus along side what we think people want. Do you want help with your finances, your marriage, your addictions, your lust, your family, your business, your anger, your happiness? Whatever you need just trust in Jesus and he will give it to you! Have “You’re Best Life Now”, “Be the Best You…” etc. Its completely antithetical to the gospel. And it breeds this idea of self-fulfillment in our hearts.

Now lets think about this particular type is self love. We want something so bad that we are willing to use Jesus to get it. Whatever it is, we love it more than Jesus, we trust it for fulfillment over Jesus, and then we go to Jesus, and expect him to help us get his replacement. It is insane, and it’s not going to happen.

Guy two reminds me of the dude who has been engaged for seven years and still hasn’t set a date. He keeps making excuses to keep delaying the commitment he knows he should make. Similarly this guy keeps pushing commitment to Christ down the road. “Once I do this thing then I’ll follow.” Notice that we normally try to mask our excuse, and act like we are being responsible. “I just need to learn some more, I need to be a little more mature before I give my life completely to Christ.” Whatever that thing is, he falsely believes that it is a more worthwhile pursuit, that it will ultimately satisfy him, more than Jesus.

My wife and I have five children, which leads to some pretty interesting conversations. Every now and then a newly wed couple will say something to us that usually goes like this. “We’re going to wait until its a good time for us, you know, until we are ready to have kids.” We always try to truthfully respond and tell them “If you’re waiting for the right time, or until you’re ready to have kids, then you’re never going to have kids, because there’s never a “good time” to have kids, and you are never going to be “ready” for them.” This is the attitude this man has with Jesus. By seeing Jesus as an obstacle, and choosing to seek what he thinks will satisfy him more, he simply delays the great joy he could have being with Jesus.


There’s much to be discussed, and explored, and explained here, but given my time limit I must be brief. How do I know that self denial is key to being a part of this life, to being a part of this thing called Christianity? Because its exactly what our king did.

Philippians 2:3-11 ESV

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

We are not better than our King that we deserve to seek our own desires when he sought after nothing for himself.


I want to ask the question that I think will challenge us, and dive the point home.
What ways are you only using Jesus to get what you want?
What ways are you avoiding Jesus so that he doesn’t get in the way of what you want?
What are those things you want, and how do you believe they will satisfy you more than Jesus will?

Jesus sums up the entirety of the law by stating two things. Love God, and love your neighbor. Not yourself. The first step to crucifying your flesh, to putting down your desires, to taking up his cross and receiving his desires is denying yourself. Bowing down to King Jesus. So today, wherever you may be, may we all kneel today to King Jesus and begin destroy the pride and love of ourselves.

Grace & Peace

So there you go, that was my lab sermon. I got lots of good feedback and would appreciate yours as well!

Nehemiah : A Better City : Ch.3


If today’s blog is different, its because it is. These are my notes from today’s gathering.

(On a personal note, I was really encouraged and challenged by this message. To study, I try to read our focal text ahead of the sunday sermon, then, I prepare a pseudo-sermon of my own. This text isn’t necessarily difficult, but it is long, thirty-two verse, and I was really happy to see that some of my thoughts on the text were similar to where my pastor landed as well.)

A sermon series from

Radical, Multi-Racial, & Diverse, is an a expression of the gospel, and the kingdom centered around it. We don’t want to be “color blind”, and completely ignore our differences, we want to take into account who people are. Ask instead, what would racial diversity, and ideological diversity, look like before the fall? What does this, unity in diversity, look like apart from our sin & brokenness? Simply put, for us today, what does unity and cooperation look like apart from the fall?

What we see in this text is that picture. Diverse people coming together for something greater than themselves. A mere glimpse of God’s hope and eventual plan for his creation. This is a peek at what the coming, and reigning kingdom will look like.

Herein, we get to see it, and God would ask us to join it.


A long time ago God made everything perfect, Adam and eve messed it up, and it all went bad. God gives a promise through a man named Abraham,  it passes to Moses who gives us the law, then to David who builds the nation, then to Solomon who builds the temple, then the rise of the prophets. The prophets speak while the kingdom is divided, conquered, and scattered away from their home over the course of hundreds of years. Eventually the people are allowed to return home and rebuild the temple and the city.

We see everyone, except for one group who thought they were too important, get involved and get to work inspite of race, class, or trade. It wasn’t that they just used their gifts, but they were given a plan beyond themselves, and they even did things that they were not particularly skilled in.

What do we see in this glimpse of the kingdom?

There is always noncompliance.  If you are ever reading a list in the bible and one thing is different from the list, then that thing deserves special attention. And we see one group refuse to stoop to serve the Lord. The question is why wouldnt these guys serve? And in that question it is revealed to us a picture of why we refuse to serve. Plainly and simply, pride, they saw themselves higher than they ought to. There are hundreds of scriptures that bash this idea, and posture in the face, and point to Jesus as our hope of salvation when we refuse to cooperate. So why dont we cooperate.

A. Rebellion, or we just dont want to. And B. Ignorance,  that we are just unaware that our lives are always on mission, and always an act of worship.

The difference in these things is knowing grace. Increase the grace and knowledge of Jesus the son of God and renewal will take place. You’ll see yourself add you truly are. Not above anyone, certainly not above Jesus, and even Jesus came and served. So when we refuse to serve, we are also saying that we consider ourselves better than the son of God.

Unity in diversity creates stability. Our diversity is the greatest gift we have as the church. Don’t make the error of thinking that your preferred way is the only acceptable way to do things. Knowing grace lets you accept people, and their, ideas, that are radically different than yourself. If you can’t see the other side of your position, then plead for grace. “If you want to make a Christian angry, put him around someone who sins differently than he does.” -Darrin Patrick

All of this is a glimpse of the greater renewal. It’s important to remember that the picture of leadership, unity, and cooperation that we see in Nehemiah is not a perfect picture, but just a glimpse of God’s renewed kingdom. All of this secured in the person and the work of Jesus Christ, who is the king of the new kingdom. Through him, and the grace he shows us, we can be completely unified, and radically diverse. God shows us these glimpses of his kingdom not so we can sit back and observe, but so that we may stand up and join.

Reflection questions

How can I join the MISSION OF RENEWAL in the ordinary?

How can I cooperate with others to join the MISSION OF RENEWAL, even in inconvenience?

What do I cling to that gets in the way of cooperation towards renewal?
How does Jesus undo the root of my selfishness?